For 2016 the secured amount of the state support for the Bulgarian film industry is aprox. EUR 6 750 000 (BGN 13 200 000). According the law:
• at least 80 % (EUR 5 400 000 for 2016) of the funding is for all type of film production (feature film, documentaries, animation + minority co-productions). Up to 20 % of this amount (aprox. EUR 1 080 000 for 2016) is for support of minority co-productions.
• at least 10 % (EUR 675 000 for 2016) of the funding is for support Local theatrical distribution of Bulgarian movies (including supported minority co-productions);
• up to 5 % (EUR 337 500 for 2016) of the funding is for support of festivals, other cinema events and international promotion of Bulgarian films
• up to 5 % (EUR 337 500 for 2016) of the funding is for support of special film projects on subjects, proposed by Ministry of culture;
According to Decision C(2012) 5572 on 02.08.2012 the European Commission has assessed the Bulgarian film support and decided to consider the aid contained therein as compatible with Article 107 (3) (d) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The Bulgarian film support scheme - State aid SA.30569 (NN33/2010) – Bulgaria is approved until 31 December 2017 on the basis that the Bulgarian authorities have undertaken to implement any changes to the scheme which may be required after the expiry of the Commission Communication on cinematographic and other audiovisual works.
Only companies registered according the Bulgarian Trade Law and registered as producers, distributors or exhibitors at the Bulgarian National Film Center can apply for funding.
Following genres are eligible for funding by the Bulgarian National Film Center:
* Development and production of feature films (over 70 minutes), short features (between 15 and 30 minutes), short and feature length documentaries and animation;
* Minority co-productions;
* Local theatrical distribution of Bulgarian movies (including supported minority co-productions);
* Festivals and other cinema events;
* International promotion of Bulgarian films (participation of films and filmmakers at international festivals and other major cinema events).
The state support is allocated to film projects, selected by a National Commission of experts on a competitive basis. Applications in the following categories are eligible:
- Future films projects incl. debuts;
- Documentary projects incl. debuts;
- Animation projects incl. debuts;
- Scripts development projects - Future, documentary
The legitimate level for support of majority Bulgarian productions is:
- at least 30% of the average budget from previous year for the type of film production (feature film, documentary or animation);
- up to 50 % of the budget of the film project, but for low budget productions the legitimate amount is up to 80 % (The definition for low budget film production according to the Bulgarian Film Law is “A Film with a budget up to 60 % of the average budget of an European movie for the previous year based on the database provided by the European Audiovisual Observatory)
- no less than 75 % of the earmarked funds under Film Industry Act shall be spent on the territory of Bulgaria.
Every year the Bulgarian National Film Center has:
* two application deadlines per year for feature films, documentaries and animation;
* four deadlines per year for minority co-productions;
* one deadline per year for co-productions with TV broadcaster with national coverage.
Bulgarian National Film Center`s funding sessions 2016 for minority co-productions
- Four special sessions - March 16, 2016, (Wednesday); May 31, 2016, (Tuesday); September 16, 2016, (Friday); November 29, 2016, (Tuesday);
The submission of applications coud be made within the following dead lines:
- 1st session in March - February 15, 2016 (Monday, 15.00 h);
- 2nd session in May - April 18, 2016 (Monday, 15.00 h);
- 3rd session in September - August 15, 2016 (Monday, 15.00 h);
- 4th session in November - October 10, 2016 (Monday, 15.00 h);