Legal acts
TARIFF on the FEES collected by BNFC -
Fees Tariff NFC_2013.doc (46 KB)
European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production -
ECCP.doc (98 KB)
Agreement on Film Co-Production - Bulgaria/France (French version) -
convention_FR-BG-.pdf (1021 KB)
Agreement on Film Co-Production - Bulgaria/Israel -
agreement_Izrael_BG.pdf (3 MB)
Agreement on Film Co-Production - Bulgaria/Italy -
Coproduction Italy ENG.pdf (5 MB)
Agreement on Film Co-Production - Bulgaria/Italy (Italian version) -
Coproduction Italy IT.pdf (8 MB)
The European Union: a guide for audiovisual professionals -
EU-Guide_for_audiovisual_professionals_jan_2011.pdf (3 MB)